Workshops & Trainings
Do you work with trauma survivors within your organization or profession?
The answer is most likely yes!
These trainings are ideal for individuals and organizations in care professions, and health & wellness professions. This could include but is not limited to allied health professionals, spiritual practitioners, body workers, mindfulness practitioners, or yoga teachers and studio’s.
Topics may include but are not limited to:
What trauma is and how it affects the body, brain and nervous system
The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE's)
*The importance of intersectionality, anti-oppression, & social factors in trauma sensitivity
The importance of non-coercion, choice making, informed consent, invitational language.
What it means to be trauma sensitive in practice and what that looks like.
I offer these training and workshops because I believe in the importance of trauma sensitivity through an authentic liberatory framework. I also aim to grow connections to organizations and individuals in care work to refer out to as needed.
I highly value dynamic training with room for connection, conversation, and growth. Mixing knowledge with reflective and experiential practices. Suggested readings, worksheets, and additional visual
aids can be made available upon request should they be useful in your learning.
Please contact Crystal directly for trauma sensitivity training & workshop inquiries HERE.
*These trainings are NOT equity & inclusion training. As a cis-white woman, it is out of my scope to provide these services. Trauma and oppression are inherently intertwined, so the importance of integrating this work into your trauma-sensitive practice will be discussed. You are expected to learn from and monetarily support the teachings of Black, Indigenous and people of colour in your trauma-sensitive practice if you intend to practice from an authentic liberatory framework. Please contact me if you would like recommendations from folks who provide these important services through training and consultations.